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Christmas Chaos and Book News.

So, it's been a while since I filled you all in on what's happening in the world of Aimie J.

This time last year we were packing up our home in Perth, Western Australia, and getting ready to move across to the other side of the country. The kids have settled amazingly into life on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, which goes a long way to confirm I did the right thing.

Christmas is a few days away and the majority of us will probably be running around trying to get those last few things before the big day. Although this year I think I'm more organised than usual, so that is definitely going to make things easier. Although I still have to do the big food shop and collect the turkey and pork from the butchers.

I share a house with my parents and we (the adults of the house) have declared the house to be computer free from 4pm Christmas Eve until the morning of Boxing Day (26th). Surprisingly the kids haven't complained at all. I'm sure that will change once those days arrive though, so wish us luck.

Book news...

A few days ago, Reclaiming the One (Mount Roxby 3) went live in all the ebook stores. The paperback will hopefully follow suit in the next few days. You can find all the relevant links here.

My current project is adding some bonus chapters to Love of Three (Mount Roxby 4) which was a short story that was published in Haunted by Love: An Anthology back in August. You can read more about it here. I'm aiming to have it ready to release in February, 2018.

Then I'll be moving onto Losing Pride (Mount Roxby 5) which is based around Jared. I know a few people—including Jared's girl herself, my lovely PA and Parabatai—who have been asking for his story for a long time and as much as I have wanted to tell it, I needed to wait for the time to be right and now is that time.

Over the next couple of months, I'll also going to be collaborating with my nine-year-old son on a story he came up with, which will be aimed for kids his age. He's got a wicked imagination and I can't wait to share his crazy with the world. I'm hoping to have this ready to release for Supanova - Gold Coast, which is April 27-29th, 2018.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I really do appreciate all your love and support.

I'd like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you make the most of your time off over the holiday period. Most of all enjoy the magical moments with your loved ones, because it's those memories you'll be able to rely on if you have a sad day.

Once again, thank YOU for everything.

Aimie XoXo

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