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I'm posting this in regards to a plagiarism allegation that's made regarding The Don: Sebastiano, which I co-authored with Elle Raven. I woke up to an email from another author on Sunday morning informing me that she believed her book was plagiarised by Elle and I. Seeing the document she had attached to her email with the passages from The Don absolutely gutted me. Every one of those excerpts were written by my co-author, Elle Raven. If you read any of my other work, you’ll see that I do not write sex scenes. My own books are fade to black. I'm not an erotic writer and I never will be. Elle was in charge of writing the sex and romance scenes, while I was in charge of writing the gore and violence. That is how our partnership worked. I immediately contacted JM Darhower and advised her of this. I also told her that I would contact a lawyer and get back to her because frankly, I have no idea how to proceed. In the mean time, I pulled both books in the series from sale because I can no longer trust the integrity of my co-author or her work. I am furious, and I'm devastated that something with my name on it has caused all of this. As many of the readers are aware, after The Capo: Riccardo was released I handed the rest of the series over to Elle and she was writing The Underboss: Dante, book #3 of the series solely by herself. I have demanded that my name be removed from the series. Any questions regarding the rest of the series should be sent directly to Elle Raven.

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