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The Year That Was...

2020! What a year?!

I don't think there was anyone in the world that didn't have their life disrupted by Covid-19. Concerts were cancelled, schools closed, businesses shut their doors, people where stuck in other countries, whole city's were locked down and countries closed their borders to international visitors.

My mum was one of those people who got stuck in another country. She'd visited my sister and her family in early March, she'd planned a four week stay. News of Covid had just been made public at the time, but nobody thought it would turn into the pandemic it did. When things started to seem serious we brought her return flight forward a week but within two days the airline cancelled all flights. Her four week holiday turned into a four month stay. When she finally landed on Australian soil, it was still another two weeks before we got to see her because she had to go into hotel quarantine.

My writing—like most authors I've spoken to—took a back seat to keeping sane during these uncertain times, but I'm back and I'm planning on getting the final Mount Roxby book out to you guys this year. I'm hoping it's not the only book I'll get out this year, as I've also been working on the first book in a new bear shifter series but with all the ups and downs of 2020 I'm hesitant to commit to that as a definite just yet.

Here are four of my top Paranormal reads for 2020.

Shelly Laurenston writes the wittiest characters, strong females that take no shit—even from their mates, and will have you crying with laughter on more than one occasion during her books.

I've read Suzanne Wright's shifter series before and loved her characters so when I picked up Burn I wasn't at all surprised that I loved her demons. I haven't read many demon books before, so I did go into this a little wary, but I became absolutely engrossed and loved the change from shifters or witches.

Thicker Than Water is Becca Seymour's first Paranormal Gay Romance and having loved her previous Gay Romances, I knew I'd love this because she was mixing two of my favourite genres together. Gay Romance and Paranormal.

Patricia Briggs is one of my all time favourite authors. I can't get enough of her wolves. Her Mercedes Thompson series is my go to reread. If I'm in a funk, be it a reading fuck or just a general shitty mental health funk. If I pick these books up I'm fixed.

What books did you read in 2020 that stick out in your mind? Let me know in the comments.

I'm hoping to post on here weekly, even if it's just to say hi. So make sure you check in regularly.

Thanks for reading this,

Love and hugs (at a safe distance)

Aimie X


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